Getting Juiced at the Cedar Creek Grist Mill

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It’s Apple Pressing Time!

Join the folks at the Cedar Creek Grist Mill for their biggest event of the year, Apple Cider Pressing! This event will take place on Saturday, October 29, from 9 am until…well, until about 8,000 pounds of apples have been pressed into cider and all the cider has been taken home by guests! That is usually about 5 pm.

“Everyone is encouraged to get involved. The rumbling of the water powered belt and pulley system, the dimly lighted mill, the floor covered with sawdust and the sweet smell of the fresh pressed apple juice makes an atmosphere that will put a smile on the faces of all visitors.” The weather this weekend is supposed to be great (but, as you know, Pacific Northwest weather is a bit, umm, unpredictable ), and the Autumn colors should be fantastic! You may also see Salmon jumping the dam to return to their spawning grounds.

The Cedar Creek Grist Mill is located at 43907 NE Grist Mill Rd in Woodland, and is open year ’round on Saturdays between 1 and 4 pm, and Sundays between 2 and 4 pm. Besides Apple Pressing Day, there are also other special events held throughout the year, including the Blueberry Festival, Cornbread Making Day, Bread and Butter Day, and more.


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