Step Back In Time at the Cedar Creek Grist Mill

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It’s Cornbread Making Day!

If you’ve never been to the Cedar Creek Grist Mill, or just haven’t been for a while, this Saturday will be a great time to go! August 28th from 1:00 to 4:00 is Cornbread Making Day at the Grist Mill; they will be grinding up flour and cooking up cornbread in as many different ways as they can devise, and then sharing it with visitors!

Visitors will be greeted and given a “Working Tour” of how this mill still works today, like it did 100 years ago. Huge pulleys and belts spinning above and below are turning and churning to produce flour, corn meal and even apple cider (the last Saturday in October). These samples are given to the visitors for take home and a first hand experience of the products. No gas or electricity are used, simply mother nature’s water power. All that work here are volunteers and are more than happy to explain how this process works to any and all.

The drive to the Cedar Creek Grist Mill and old covered bridge alone make it worth the trip. It’s like driving into the past, well, once you exit I-5 at Woodland. The Cedar Creek Grist Mill is open year ’round, Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00 and Sundays from 2:00 to 4:00. Visit Cedar Creek Grist Mill on the web, or call 360-225-5832 for more information.

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