Zaandercross at Frenchman’s Bar

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Cyclocross Race.

The First Annual Zaandercross at Frenchman’s Bar will take place on Saturday, September 22, 2012, with the first race starting at 8:40 am. Not a morning person? Dont’ worry, there are races starting all day until 3:15 pm.

I don’t know about you, but I had never heard of a bicycle race where racers rode on pavement and offroad, including obstacles that make the rider dismount and RUN WHILE CARRYING THEIR BIKE!  It’s a combination of cycling, stunt riding, carrying, running and obstacle course. And, while it sounds like a lot of fun…this gal is just gonna watch the First Annual Zaandercross. I’ll get back to you about next year.  ;-)

According to their website, “…we’re affectionately calling it the Koksijde of the ‘Couve.  Its our take on the power-sucking sand-filled courses of Belgium.  It’ll be a hard day for sure as each lap will have 2 extended sand sections, several barriers, a runup, and the usual assortment, of grassy turns, a little gravel, some pavement & some good old-fashioned dirt.” 

For more information, visit Zaandercross at Frenchman’s Bar online. 

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