Will You Row for the Cure?

hey! sharing is caring :)

Over 400 participants and their families and friends come together each year for Row for the Cure®, a regatta which includes all human powered watercraft on the water (WOW), to raise awareness of breast cancer in SW Washington and Oregon.

On July 29th join in and row, dragon boat, float, SUP, paddle, canoe or kayak on Vancouver Lake to compete on the water and raise funds for the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation.

This is the second annual WOW event and the 24th annual Portland Row for the Cure!

Crew Pre-Race check-in is at 6:30 AM and races begin at 7:30 AM.

Breakfast and lunch are provided and in the afternoon stick around for awards, floating fun, SUP yoga demos, free lessons and the Pink Parade.

Click HERE to make or join a team. You can also register as an individual.

Don’t like to get in the water? Then consider coming out to cheer on the participants, donate to the cause or volunteer to help at the event.

Check out the Facebook Event for more details.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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