View Beautiful Natural Gardens in Action

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Each year the Clark County Green Neighbors program organizes an annual self-guided tour in July of the most vibrant and beautiful natural gardens in the county. All of these gardens thrive without the use of synthetic chemicals and include a wide variety of natural features and innovative gardening techniques.

Clark County residents can learn how to improve their garden’s health, as well as the health of the community, in this year’s virtual Natural Garden Tour. The virtual event allows people to visit local gardens maintained using earth-friendly techniques and hear from host gardeners.

The 2021 Natural Garden Tour features an interactive virtual story map that includes tours of the properties and highlights 13 sustainable gardeners in video interviews.

The Natural Garden Tour is an annual opportunity for county residents to draw inspiration and glean from gardeners who use natural gardening techniques, like water conservation, native plant selection, use of compost, wildlife habitat creation, pollinator plant selection and most importantly skipping synthetic chemicals.

This year’s tour features eight new and five returning gardens. Visitors can move through the story map at their own pace viewing features that are of most interest to them. The annual tour is a great way for local gardeners to learn how to make their yard a healthy place for people and pets while protecting waterways and wildlife.

For more information about the Natural Garden Tour, visit the Clark County Green Neighbors website.

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