Vancouver International Food Fest

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The Vancouver International Food Fest is an international celebration of food, dance, music and carnival fun taking place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 11-13, 2015 on the St. Joseph Catholic School grounds.

If this sounds a little familiar…but different…it’s because the Vancouver International Food Fest is replacing the Vancouver Sausage Fest; which said their final farewell last year.  The Fest had been a huge community event for 43 years, was founded on the principle of promoting family and community fun and food and funding school improvements and scholarships, and folks around here just couldn’t let that void go unfilled.

The Vancouver International Food Fest is keeping the best parts of the sausage fest and upgrading and adding more flavor to the event. You will still be able to get that sausage on a stick; but you will also be able to choose from over a dozen different foods, including Asian, Hawaiian, Italian, Mexican, Greek, American, Coffee and Confection. (But keep checking back, you never know who else is going to join the fun!) Dairy free, gluten free and vegetarian selections are also available. Those over 21 are also welcome to enjoy the Irish Pub featuring craft and domestic beer on tap as well as wine and hard cider.

You will find a wide range of entertainment. Whatever your music of choice, I’m sure you will find it at the VIFF. Music will range from Island Reggae, Contemporary, Rock, Funk, Jazz, Blues, to acoustic and most everything in between. The main stage will also highlight Polynesian dance and music, Latino dance and local bands. Check out the full schedule of entertainment here.

This year will also feature a car show on Saturday from 11am to 3pm with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, “Best in Show” and “Father Gary’s Pick”. Bring your show car and get free admission to the festival. The first 60 show cars to arrive will gain entry into the show.

And don’t worry, the rides and carnival games are back, too! Purchase your tickets in advance for the best deals.

The Vancouver International Food Fest takes place at St. Joseph School (6500 Highland Drive) will be open on Friday 5 pm to 11 pm; Saturday 11 am to 11 pm; and Sunday 12:30 pm to 8 pm. $2 General Admission (portion of the proceeds will go to St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank); Pub Entry is $5 on Friday and $7 on Saturday. For more information, visit Vancouver International Food Fest online or on Facebook.

And, hey, while you’re on Facebook, be sure to stop by our page and give us a “Like” and  “Follow”, because you never know when we will be announcing our next contest and give away more tickets to local events such as this!  8-)

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