Vancouver Celebrates the Apple Tree

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Annual Old Apple Tree Festival.

old_apple_treeWell, Happy 183rd Birthday Old Apple Tree (I did do my math correct, right? :-) ) The annual Old Apple Tree Festival is Saturday, October 3rd, 2009, from 9 am to 2 pm, at (where else?) Old Apple Tree Park, located on Columbia Way just East of I-5.

The Festival is a celebration centered around the oldest living apple tree in the Northwest, planted at Fort Vancouver in 1826, and focuses on, well, trees.  Throughout the day the Urban Forestry Commission will be giving away Washington-grown apples and cuttings from the old apple tree.

As if that wasn’t enough, there will also be live music, food, children’s activities, baking contest, information booths and more.  Call 360.619.1108 for more details.

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