Trim Your Waste-line During the WasteBusters Challenge

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Reducing the amount of trash you produce can be easy and fun. Join the annual WasteBusters Challenge that provides encouragement in your sustainability efforts.

Clark County residents can register individually or form groups in this challenge, which runs from February  22 through March 15, 2021. The challenge format is virtual, with participants setting up accounts to interact with others in the waste-busting community.

This year’s pledge options include:

  1. To reduce food waste, I pledge to use up, or freeze, all of my fruits and vegetables before purchasing new produce items.
  2. To reduce paper waste, I pledge to enroll two accounts (i.e. credit, banking, utilities) in paperless delivery.
  3. To reduce textile waste, I pledge to repair, swap, or buy second-hand clothes instead of purchasing new clothing items.

There are three virtual event opportunities during the three-week challenge period. Challenge participants and other residents are welcome to attend.

The WasteBusters Challenge Kick-Off is 2-3:15 pm Sunday, February 21. Guest speaker Alex Luna (owner of Kindred Homestead Supply) will share how to sustain a low-waste lifestyle and make ethical consumer decisions. Listen in on Alex’s story to spark inspiration for your sustainability journey.

The Repair Clark County Show & Tell  is 6-7:15 pm Monday, March 1. Guest speaker Terra will share about the Repair Clark County program and how they help others repair, upcycle, and more. After the presentation, there will be a show-and-tell opportunity. Bring an item you have upcycled or repaired if you would like to share.

The DirtHugger Virtual Tour is 6-7:15 pm Monday, March 8. Guest speaker Pierce Louis, co-founder of DirtHugger, will give a virtual tour of the composting facility, share about the composting process, and answer questions you may have.

For more information about the challenge, and to reserve a spot at the kick-off event, Repair Clark County Show & Tell, and DirtHugger Virtual Tour, visit the WasteBusters website.


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