This Little Piggy Went to the Market

hey! sharing is caring :)

And Did Not Get Sick.


Update 9/29/2009:  The Swine Flu has its own website! The website was created as part of a regional response to the Swine Flu and “is intended to provide residents in southwest Washington with useful information that is easy to understand.”  I just hope they don’t create a Facebook page, there’s just something wrong about becoming a fan of the Swine Flu! :-)

It’s barely September, and already there is so much worry about the upcoming flu season, and the dreaded “Swine Flu”.  Not that we all shouldn’t be aware and take precautions, but don’t make yourself sick worrying about it.

So, if not worry, what should we do?  Well, according to the Health Officer for Clark County, “Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your family from seasonal flu. Because this year’s flu season is complicated by the spread of H1N1 flu, we strongly urge everyone to get a seasonal flu shot early as a way to minimize illness in our community.” The seasonal flu vaccine for adults is available now, and they are expecting the vaccine for children later this month.

How do you get a flu shot?  You can contact your health care provider, visit local pharmacies (Walgreens, Safeway, Fred Meyer, etc…), or visit the Flu Clinic Locator online. An additional Swine Flu vaccine will be out later this fall, however, the Swine Flu vaccine will not protect you from the seasonal flu, and the seasonal flu vaccine will not protect you from the Swine Flu.  Guess that’s why we have two arms, huh? :-)

The last piece of advice seems to be the hardest for people to take, yes, even more so than getting a shot:  If you are sick, STAY HOME!

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