Students can Showcase Video Skills, Earn Prizes in Creative Contest

hey! sharing is caring :)

Clark County middle and high school students are invited to inspire the community to work together for clean water using their video production skills. Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington is partnering with Regional Coalition for Clean Rivers and Streams to host the second annual Students for Clean Water Student Video Contest. Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington is a coalition of local agencies and organizations, including Clark County and the cities of Battle Ground, Camas, Vancouver, and Washougal.

Students currently in grades 6-12 can submit 25 or 55-second videos on topics related to pollution prevention, stewardship, and their connection to local waterways. Videos are due by April 24.

Local businesses are sponsoring five first-place prizes of $500 each and five honorable mention prizes of $100 each. One first prize and one honorable mention prize will be awarded in each of five categories: “Everyday Actions Add Up” short (25 second) and long (55 second) videos, community storytelling, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) filmmaker, and people’s choice. Winning videos will be shared on Stormwater Partners’ and coalition partners’ social media accounts and at summer movie in the park events in Vancouver and Clark County.

“Students put their video skills, creativity, and passion for clean water on full display for this contest,” said Clean Water Outreach Specialist Eric Lambert. “We’re excited to share the important messages conveyed in their work with our community.”

Students and supporters can visit for contest details and to learn more about the contest categories and topics.

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