StreamTeam’s 17th Annual EcoFair for Earth Day

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The StreamTeam will celebrate its 17th annual Earth Day event on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The largest Earth Day event in Clark County, the planting and community fair will be held at the Salmon Creek Regional Park. This event, produced in partnership with Clark County Environmental Services, features more than 50 participating organizations.

The whole community is invited to the free, family-friendly EcoFair. Enjoy live entertainment and engaging activities for all ages from local environmental organizations and businesses. This year’s fair will be open from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Live entertainers will perform throughout the day, including a live Birds of Prey performance from the Portland Audubon Society, a physics juggling act, storytelling, and live reptiles and amphibians. Vancouver Montessori will be on hand to lead supervised children’s activities, Northwest Wild Fish Rescue will guide fish releases into Salmon Creek, and OMSI will be hosting a science festival. Raffle prizes will be awarded throughout the day and the first 100 fair attendees receive a prize ranging from a donated lunch to insulated grocery bags.

Food will be available for purchase (free for volunteers). Students that attend can celebrate with participation in the Watershed Reflections, an art and writing contest!

Volunteers will have the opportunity to celebrate the day by planting native trees or pulling non-native Garlic Mustard. Volunteers completing a 4-hour shift receive a free lunch and t-shirt. More than 400 volunteers and 1400 fair attendees came together to celebrate Earth Day last year. There are also volunteer opportunities to exercise your expertise behind a camera, to help sort recyclables during the event, among other things. Children over the age of 3 can be dropped off for supervised environmental education activities with Vancouver Montessori at any point during the event. This is a great opportunity for kids that need a break but whose parents want to keep planting. Preregistration is required since space is limited.

For information about volunteering for the next event, visit StreamTeam on the web or contact [email protected] or call 360-992-8585.

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