Salmon Creek Interchange Project Closes I 5

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Closure and Detour Information.

Progress continues on the Salmon Creek Interchange Project, and part of that progress will require that both directions of I-5 at the I-205 junction be closed from June 7, 2013  at 10 pm until Sunday, June 10, 2013 at 5 am while they install a 165-foot section of the new interchange over the interstate.

Northbound I-5 will be closed between SR 500 and I-205, and the northbound on- and off-ramps will be closed at the following interchanges: NE 39th Street, NE Hwy 99/Main Street, NE 78th Street and NE 99th Street. Local residents should plan alternate routes to access I-205 during the closure weekend.

Crews are setting concrete girders over I-5 to build a section of the new NE 139th Street Interchange. Between the dozen 165-foot girders and three 500-ton cranes, the installation work will take up all lanes of the interstate. Crews will work around the clock to close I-5, set up equipment and secure the girders in place above the roadway. Each girder weighs nearly 175,000 pounds and will take approximately three hours to install.

For more information, visit Washington State Department of Transportation, Salmon Creek Interchange Project.

This post: “Salmon Creek Interchange Project Closes I 5” was originally featured at Salmon Creek Live!

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