Birdfest and Bluegrass Festival in Ridgefield

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Birdwatching, Storytelling, Music, Tours and Fun.

Photo by Jon Kraft

The Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge would like to invite you to the 10th Annual Birdfest and Bluegrass Festival October 10th and 11th, 2009.  It’s an opportunity to meet people from near and far and enjoy the sights and sounds of fall migration and bluegrass music throughout Ridgefield.

The Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge will be free during the Festival, and there are tons of activities going on both days. Come see the beauty and explore the rich cultural history of the Refuge.  Music, storytelling, kayak tours, crafts, birdwatching, even a chance to get to see areas of the reserve that are normally closed to the public.

For a complete list of events, click Birdfest and Bluegrass Festival.

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