Remembrance Ceremony at Vancouver Landing

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Tenth Anniversary of 9/11.

Vancouver will host a Patriot Day ceremony at the Vancouver Landing Amphitheater (Columbia River at the Quay) on September 11, 2011 between 11 am and 1pm in remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The program will include Vancouver Mayor Timothy D. Leavitt presenting a Patriot Day proclamation.Vancouver Police Chief Clifford Cook, Vancouver Fire Chief Joe Molina, and Clark County Sheriff Garry Lucas will also be speaking at the event.

The event is hosted by the Vancouver Police and Vancouver Fire Department. It will include a combined Honor Guard of Vancouver Police, Vancouver Fire, and Clark County Sheriff personnel and feature a flyover by the Portland Air National Guard, music by the Vancouver Fire Department Pipe and Drum Band, a Ceremonial Fire Department Bell Ringing, a Flag Ceremony with Taps, and a balloon release in honor of the over 400 first responders who lost their lives on September 11. Also participating will be members of the US Army and the US Coast Guard.

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