Jaime Herrera Beutler Hosting 4th Annual Southwest Washington Jobs Fair

Jaime Herrera Beutler Hosting Her 4th Annual Southwest Washington Jobs Fair
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Even though the economy is on an upswing, it is still tricky to find employment. It is definitely worth the effort in hitting the pavement and getting your resume out there, but an organized event like a jobs fair is the perfect opportunity to gain an audience with several companies all at once.

This Wednesday, May 14, Jaime Herrera Beutler is hosting her Fourth Annual Southwest Washington Jobs Fair. This is a free event to all Southwest Washington residents. The jobs fair will include employers from a variety of industries seeking qualified candidates.

“Even as Southwest Washington’s economy recovers, residents tell me that employment is by far still their top priority. I’m pleased to host yet another jobs fair where people can find a job, or at least build the skills and contacts to help them land one soon,” said Jaime. “My primary legislative focus in DC is still on helping our economy, and that’s my focus right here at home, too. I’ll do whatever I can to get people back to work.”

The Southwest Washington Jobs Fair is May 14, from 1:00pm through 5:00pm at the Red Lion Hotel at the Quay (100 Columbia Street, Vancouver, WA 98660). So if you are looking for a job, take advantage of this opportunity. Print out those resumes, dress to impress and get a leg up on the competition at the jobs fair.

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