Happiness in Hazel Dell is Finger Lickin’ Good

hey! sharing is caring :)

Mondays Mean More.

OK, so “Finger Lickin’ Good” isn’t the slogan KFC is using anymore…that’s not the point.

The point is, the Kentucky Fried Chicken location in Hazel Dell (1203 NE 78th St) is having a “Buy One Get One Free” promotion on Mondays! Buy 8 pieces of chicken, get 8 pieces free! Now that’s a reason to look forward to Mondays!

This special is available at the KFC in Hazel Dell, and no coupon is required. However, this is a “Limited Time” offer, which means that the management can discontinue this special at any time… Wanna call first, here’s the number 360-574-0606.

I know what I’m having for dinner tonight!

This post: “Happiness in Hazel Dell is Finger Lickin’ Good” was originally featured at Hazel Dell Live!

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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