Good Food Growing in Clark County

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Vancouver Watersheds Alliance Food and Film Series.

On June 26, 2012, Vancouver Watersheds Alliance will be hosting a FREE screening of Good Food at the Vancouver Library from 6-9 pm.

Something remarkable is happening in the fields and orchards of the Pacific Northwest. Small family farmers are making a comeback. They’re growing much healthier food, and lots more food per acre, while using less energy and water than factory farms. For decades Northwest agriculture was focused on a few big crops for export. But to respond to climate change and the end of cheap energy, each region needs to produce more of its own food and to grow food more sustainably. Good Food visits producers, farmers’ markets, distributors, stores, restaurants and public officials who are developing a more sustainable food system for all.

The screening will be held at the downtown Vancouver Library (901 C Street, Vancouver, WA) from 6 – 9pm. There will be FREE food and a great discussion to follow with a panel of local experts! Warren Neth, with Backyard Bounty; Kim Hack, with Urban Abundance; and Erin Harwood, a local CSA representative; will all provide us with beneficial information on eating locally.

This is a family friendly event, for more information visit Vancouver Watersheds Alliance, or view the trailer for Good Food here.

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