Doggie Biscotti

hey! sharing is caring :)

Fresh from the Battle Ground Barkery.

Do you have a dog, or know someone who does? Then you will want to check out the Battle Ground Barkery for some yummy treats, called Doggie Biscotti, for Fido! These biscuits contain no wheat, are all natural, and have no preservatives.

Doggie Biscotti is made by students with disabilities at Battle Ground High School as part of their vocational training. Students make the dough, roll it, cut them out in the shape of a dog bone, bake and then package them.  They send them to “Futures,” a Community Based Transition program for students, ages 18-21. These students market the product and deliver to customers in the community. This is a wonderful partnership, providing skills and job opportunities for students with disabilities as well as a quality product.

You can buy Doggie Biscotti in bulk direct from the Battle Ground Barkery (20 Bags of 10 Biscuits each for $20) or from local retailers and businesses (click here for Battle Ground Barkery Partnerships). Proceeds from the “Doggie Biscotti” are used to support vocational training programs at Battle Ground High School in Battle Ground, Washington.

Call 360-600-7026 for more information.

*Originally published 8/25/2010. Updated 2/1/2012.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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