Clash on the Columbia

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Next Adventure’s Disc Golf Tournament.disc-golf_web

Leverich Park will be the site of Next Adventure’s Clash on the Columbia Disc Golf Tournament on August 22, 2009.  The entrance fee is $45 and includes lunch and dinner.  Remember, amatuers only.

There is also a Disc Golf Summer League on Thursdays at Leverich Park. $3 per person per night gets you in for some awesome golf in a competitive environment. Play will be alternating between singles and doubles rounds so check the schedule at

There will also be a $20 ace pot each week. That pot will grow by $5 each week that no one hits an ace during league play. During doubles the pair will split the ace pot if someone hits an ace. No registration is required, just show up by 6:20 p.m. on Thursday nights to play. The league runs from June 4th through August 27th and is open to all.

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