Southwest Washington’s Got Talent

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Winners to be Chosen at Vancouver Sausage Fest.

The Second Annual Southwest Washington’s Got Talent Grand Finale will be held at the 39th Annual Vancouver Sausage Fest on September 12, 2010 at 6 pm on the main stage.

The ten finalists will all perform live onstage, and the top three places will be determined by a combination of celebrity judges, online voting, and the response of the live audience. The online voting has closed, so you be the judge! Who is it going to be: Fred Buehner, Katie Calkins, Malia Cortez, Kaity Jellison, Morgan Mollahan, Heather Oberst, Nicki Roller, Kirby Swatosh, Larry Taylor, or Rachel Tietz? Check out their videos here .

Southwest Washington’s Got Talent is not only a fun community event recognizing and celebrating our local talented folk, it is a fundraiser for the Vancouver Sunrise Rotary Club’s contibution to Santa’s Posse and the Vancouver Police Activities League.

The Vancouver Sausage Fest is also a fun community event that takes place every year the weekend after Labor Day; that would be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 10, 11,12. And while Southwest Washington’s Got Talent Grand Finale is, well, the Grand Finale, there is plenty of talent and entertainment to enjoy all weekend long at the Vancouver Sausage Fest.

Discount ride tickets are still available, and admission is just $2. Or bring a non-perishable food item with you for the Vancouver Fire Department, and admission is just $1.

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