Annual Old Apple Tree Festival

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Happy 184th Birthday!

The Annual Old Apple Tree Festival is coming up on Saturday, October 2, 2010 between 11 am and 4 pm at the Old Apple Tree Park (112 Columbia Way). Everyone is welcome to this free (or should it be “tree”) event celebrating the oldest living apple tree in the Northwest, Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, planted at Fort Vancouver in 1826.

Providing family fun, food and history of Vancouver’s Old Apple Tree, the festival celebrates our community’s legacy. Throughout the day Urban Forestry Commissioners give away cuttings from the Old Apple Tree. This is a free, family friendly event with activities and games for children, fruit tree pruning workshops, live music and food. View the complete schedule of events for the day, or call 360.619.1108 for more information.

The Old Apple Tree is a tangible reminder of the power of trees to bridge generations and provide continuity between the past and the future. By planting trees today, we leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy. Trees greatly enhance our quality of life here in Vancouver by beautifying our neighborhoods and parks, cleaning the air and water, and providing numerous other environmental, social and economic benefits.

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