Clark County Sheriff Recruiting Deputies

hey! sharing is caring :)

It is a wise man who knows not to push the limits of the law – Barney Fife

deputy-sheriff-badgeSo, I am driving down the road on my way to Salmon Creek Fred Meyer, when a small white sign with red letters next to the sidewalk catches my eye: Clark County Sheriff’s Office Recruiting Deputies, and direction to the ccsoreserves website.

This piques my interest, so as soon as I get home (and before I forget the website) I check it out.  Seems the Clark County Sheriff’s Office is recruiting for Reserve Deputies right now.  If you are interested in becoming a Reserve Deputy, there is a presentation on August 19th, 7 pm at the West Precinct, 505 NW 179th St, Ridgefield.  There is a lot more information that you will also need to know, so I suggest if you are interested, click here.

For those not familiar with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office Reserve Unit ( I wasn’t),

“The CCSO Reserve Unit is made up of fully commissioned law enforcement officers who volunteer their time in support of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. These are everyday citizens, professionals and students serving their community in an exciting and meaningful way.” “Reserve Deputies are commissioned and sworn with full law enforcement powers equal to those of a full time deputy or police officer. The primary duties include: Routine patrol, answering “911” calls for service, crime scene protection, community service and events, and disaster response. Additional opportunities depending upon interest include traffic enforcement, marine patrol, search and rescue, and other areas of enforcement.”

Barney Fifes need not apply. :-)

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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