Clark County Make a Difference Day

hey! sharing is caring :)

Neighbors Helping Neighbors!

make_a_difference_day_postSaturday, October 24, 2009 is “Make a Difference Day, a National Day of Doing Good”. There are projects in Clark County going on from 9 am to 12 noon, with a celebration BBQ following at Arnold Park.  Come join your neighbors in making a difference right here in Clark County, Washington!

This is the most encompassing national day of helping others — a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Everyone can participate and millions of people in their communities across the country will be volunteering that day, accomplishing thousands of projects in hundreds of towns. You can join projects going on right here in Vancouver/Clark County. There will be numerous opportunities throughout the month of October for you to contribute and make a difference. You can help revitalize neighborhoods by helping with planting shrubs and trees, painting  homes, and helping seniors with yard debris and clean-up. Help us meet our goal of mobilizing 1,000 volunteers in Vancouver/Clark County.  If you need more information call Volunteer Connections at 360-735-3683.”

For more information, visit Clark County Make a Difference Day on the web, or Make a Difference Day 2009, made easy, by the Columbian.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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