Clark County Historic Museum Celebrates it’s Golden Anniversary

Clark County Historical Museum | Golden Anniversary
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The Clark County Historical Museum is not only dedicated to the collection, preservation, and interpretation of the cultural history of Clark County and the Pacific Northwest, but the museum itself resides in a piece of history. On May of 1964, a half century ago, the Historical Society moved into what had been the Vancouver Carnegie Library to begin operating as the Clark County Historic Museum.

This May 24, will give the Clark County Historic Museum (CCHM) and Historic Society its own historic event to observe. According to Susan Tissot, the executive director of the CCHM, “On May 24th, we will be 50 years old.” In observance of the anniversary, admission to the museum will be free all day (11:00 am to 4:00 pm) and birthday cake will be served at 1:00 pm.

While you are there, don’t forget to pick up your passport for the Mr. Carnegie’s Grand Tour of Washington and Oregon Passport, a driving tour of historic Carnegie libraries throughout the Northwest. This is CCHM’s community campaign described as “a collaboration of Carnegie libraries dedicated to raising awareness and preserving the libraries for future generations.” The Grand Tour is in cooperation with libraries around both states including Spokane, Port Angeles and six libraries in Seattle.

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