Citizen Volunteers, NOW time is Now

hey! sharing is caring :)

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office is hosting an informational meeting for the NOW (Neighbors on Watch) Citizen Volunteer program on Wednesday, November 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the West Precinct (Public Safety Complex) located at 505 NW 179th Street, just west of the Fairgrounds.

NOW volunteers receive specialized training and patrol in pairs throughout the county looking for suspicious activity in areas where property crimes are frequent, attend community events, and participate in other assignments as needed.

Clark County residents interested in enhancing the livability of their neighborhoods are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn about the program, application process and CCSO’s first NOW Academy. Attendance at the meeting is not required to apply for the program. Applications are due by Dec. 1 to be considered for the January, 2016 NOW Training Academy.

Applicants must be at least 21 years old, pass a background check and successfully complete the NOW training academy. Volunteer commitment is four hours per month. For the full list of volunteer qualifications visit

To request an application or additional information, contact the Clark County Sheriff’s Office Outreach Unit at (360) 397-2211 ext. 3380 or email [email protected].

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