Certified Arborists are a Cut Above

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We recently received some timely information from our friends at Thomas Family Tree. With Spring approaching, it might be a good time to consider what your trees need to really flourish this time of year.

From Thomas Family Tree:

We sometime have people ask us what the difference is between a tree trimmer and a Certified Arborist. Believe us, they are not the same thing! While our Certified Arborists DO trim trees, their level of skill and education far exceed the average trimmer. Plus, there are many additional benefits! Keep reading to learn more.

If you see a “tree trimmer” advertised, do not assume that you will get the same benefits. Likewise, a Certified Arborist does so much more than just trim trees! A Certified Arborist can help you choose the best plants for your yard and climate. They help you determine the health of your trees and work with you on disease and pest prevention and will help you assess a tree for safety. They know the right time to plant and prune and will do a skilled job at both.

continue reading… Certified Arborists do more than tree trimming!

Thank you to our friends at Thomas Family Tree for sharing.

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