Capeloto takes Reigns of Riverview Retail Banking

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(Editor note: In addition to being an all-around great guy, Kim is an incredible force of nature in the local business community. The one word I’d use is “ubiquitous” – the guy is everywhere, doing everything, as part of making this a better community. Congrats to him and our friends at Riverview.)

Riverview Community Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Riverview Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ GSM: RVSB), today announced Kim J. Capeloto has been promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Retail Banking Officer. In that role he will be responsible for the operation and performance of the banks 17 branch system.

Capeloto joined Riverview in 2010 as Executive Vice President in charge of Marketing, Operations, Technology and Public Relations, which he will continue to manage. He has 33 years of experience in the retail and financial services industry, including more than 25 years in management.

He serves the community in a variety of areas, including board seats with Identity Clark County, The School of Piano Technology for the Blind, Junior Achievement, the Humane Society of Southwest Washington and the Fort Vancouver National Trust. He also volunteers his time to emcee and facilitate functions for many additional nonprofits.

Ron Wysaske, President and COO of Riverview stated “Kim is an asset to our community, and is well known as a talented banker and a fine leader. Kim plays an important role in community growth and development. He’s a proven talent and we are proud to share his positive energy both inside and outside our company. He understands what it means to be a community banker.”

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