Campbell Named ESD 112 Teacher of the Year

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A special education teacher from the Camas School District has been named 2020 Teacher of the Year for the ESD 112 region. Amy Campbell, who has taught at Helen Baller Elementary School for the past twelve years, was one of 11 certificated staff from schools around the region nominated for the prestigious award.

Campbell’s impressive nomination packet included high praise for her passion to serve students with complex physical, cognitive, emotional and communication needs that impact their lives.

“Amy exudes everything we believe possible for public schools,” said Camas Superintendent Jeff Snell. “I have never seen a teacher be more devoted to ensuring the wellbeing of her students. Amy is simply the best,” he added.

Campbell is proud to serve students with unique needs and is a fierce advocate for inclusion and integration to best support their learning. “Sometimes we lose sight of the inherent value of educating everyone together,” she said. “Intentional integration of every student is necessary for building a community and culture that values all learners,” she said. Campbell also acknowledges inclusion is not a one-size fits all model. It requires collaboration, planning, and preparation, but she has “seen the beauty and benefit when all students achieve together.”

Campbell will join colleagues from the state’s other eight ESDs as finalists for state Teacher of the Year. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction will announce the winner at an awards reception in the fall.

The statewide committee uses the regional winner’s written application, interviews, and a mock keynote to decide which candidate best exemplifies the Teacher of the Year criteria.

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