Bye Bye Birdie

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Christian Youth Theater Production.

Enjoy the CYT performance of Bye Bye Birdie; a play “inspired by the phenomenon of popular singer Elvis Presley and his being drafted into the United States Army in 1957.” (according to Wikipedia) Bye Bye Birdie is one of the most captivating musical shows of our time. It is a satire done with the fondest affection, and tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the army.

In addition to the play, as the cast and crew of CYT Vancouver East’s Bye Bye Birdie prepares to send Conrad Birdie off to the military, they have also decided to support our own military through the national awarded organization called Soldier’s Angels. Soldier’s Angels is a non-profit organization which provides aid and comfort to several branches of the military. Not only will the cast, crew, and parents donate, Soldier’s Angels will have a booth at each performance to answer questions and accept donations.

Performances will take place at the Washburn Performing Arts Center, Washougal High School (1201 39th Street, Washougal) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 24-26 and March 2-4, 2012. For more on show times and ticketing information, please visit CYT, Bye Bye Birdie or call 360-750-8550.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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