Burgers for Moms

hey! sharing is caring :)

Salmon Creek Burgerville Helps Moms.

Not that I ever need an excuse to head off to Salmon Creek Burgerville for dinner, but if you do, here is a good one: Wednesday, September 8, from 5 pm to 8 pm, Salmon Creek Burgerville is donating 10% of purchases to the MOMS Club.

Just mention that you are there to support MOMS Club, or print off and bring a coupon with you, and Salmon Creek Burgerville (13309 NE HWY 99) will donate 10% of sales to MOMS Club Vancouver. Gift cards, beer, wine and drive-thru are all included; just don’t try to order beer or wine while going through the drive-thru!

MOMS Club is a local non-profit that supports stay-at-home moms  and other worthy causes in our community. So head on over to Salmon Creek Burgerville and have a burger (or a beer) for MOMS!

This post: “Burgers for Moms”
was originally featured at Salmon Creek Live!
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hey! sharing is caring :)

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