Building Futures Foundation for Grants and Local Scholarships

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The Building Futures Foundation, which is the 501c3 charitable arm of the Building Industry Association of Clark County, is seeking applicants for scholarships and tool grants. Scholarship applicants should be Clark County residents pursuing education for a career within or directly related to the building industry.

Scholarships are awarded to support those attending a college, university, and/or a trade/technical school. Tool grants are awarded to first- and second-year apprentices.
Both applications should include two letters of recommendation and information regarding career pathway, financial need, academic performance, and extracurricular activities.

Since its inception, BIAW has awarded over $670,000 in scholarships and grants. They provide scholarships to students who have demonstrated a passion and commitment to developing a career in the home building industry. They also offer grants to organizations with programs in construction-related fields of study, residential construction career training, continuing education, apprenticeship, and skills assessment services, and technical training programs educating tomorrow’s home builders.

Full details on how to apply for the scholarship and tool grant can be found online at The deadline to apply is May 2, 2022. For complete information, visit

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