Boots and Bow Ties

hey! sharing is caring :)

Some things just go together, like Peanut Butter and Jelly, Hugs and Kisses, Lucy and Ethel. Then, there are some things that don’t seem like they go together at first, but are actually a good combo, like Apple Pie and Cheese, Cats and Dogs, and Boots and Bow Ties!

Boots and Bow Ties is an epic FUNdraising dinner and auction for the Mt. St. Helens Institute supporting local youth education programs that inspire future scientists with innovative hands-on activities and projects alongside area researchers. It is also one of the most fun and comfortable(!) gala events in the region.

The folks at the Mt. St. Helens Institute like to shake things up a bit, and it starts with your attire for the evening ~ a combination of cocktail attire and outdoor gear. Ideas include mud boots with dresses, suits and snorkels, gowns and gaiters…you get the picture! Consider adding harnesses, helmets, hiking boots, and headlamps to spice up any outfit.

Enjoy a Silent Auction and Cocktail hour from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, followed by dinner and event program. The Live Auction, starting at 8:00pm, will wrap up the evening.

Boots and Bow Ties will be held at the Hilton, Vancouver (301 W 6th Street), on Saturday, October 15, 2016, from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Event tickets are $75 per person.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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