Birdfest Nature Festival

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A Weekend of Discovery in Ridgefield.

Explore the beauty of nature and wonders of our eco-region at the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge during the annual Birdfest event taking place Saturday and Sunday, October 5-6, 2013; and remember, during this special event admission to the refuge is free!

The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is a haven for birds that make this their winter home. Birdfest is a celebration of the fall migration and an opportunity to experience wildlife of the region and local history firsthand, all set against the backdrop of Ridgefield’s small-town charm. “We’re fortunate to have a world-class wildlife refuge so close to a metropolitan area, even though the pressures of daily life don’t always make it easy to get away,” said Sarah Hill, executive director of Friends of Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge. “Birdfest is the perfect time for families to experience everything this great region offers — its diverse wildlife, scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage.”

The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge has two entrances and both are filled with activities. Children’s activities in downtown Ridgefield will include guided bird and nature walks, raptor displays, craft stations, and more. Visitors can enjoy bird, and nature tours and presentations by regional experts who will share fun facts and information.

New this year, Animal Track and Sign 101 Walk, Artwork of the Plankhouse, a digital photography workshop, an English Ivy Basketry workshop and a bird language workshop. A traditional salmon bake will be held Sunday afternoon with complimentary samplings.

Special offerings on both days include guided kayak and big canoe tours, Audubon guided birdwalks, Kiwa Trail tour and the spectacular sandhill crane tours at dawn and dusk. Food booths will also be open throughout the weekend.

Visitors can get an early start on Christmas shopping. An expanded birders’ marketplace will offer great buys on garden items, pottery, art, photography, birdhouses, clothes, books and other items.

Birdfest is a non-profit festival hosted by Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge to encourage appreciation for the wonders of nature and this special wildlife refuge. To reach Birdfest, just take Ridgefield Exit 14 from I-5 and follow the signs.

For more information, visit Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge.

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