Are You Ready To Run?

hey! sharing is caring :)

The NSCNA is Looking for Candidates.

November 16th is our annual meeting – time to elect your 2011 NSCNA board. Which means now is the time to start looking for candidates. We hope that you will consider running for one of the positions described below. Sometimes individuals are hesitant to volunteer believing that they are unqualified or that it will take a huge chunk of time out of their lives. In most instances it takes zero experience, simply a desire to support / improve the livability of our neighborhood.

Officer duties are defined in our bylaws. The list below identifies some specific tasks beyond the “generic description” found in the bylaws.

PRESIDENT Act as the primary executive officer, preside over all deliberations and activities of the NSCNA general membership, board, and advisory committees. Official spokesperson. Primary liaison to Clark County staff and member of Neighborhood Council of Clark County. Facilitate open communications. This position schedules speakers, creates and/or supports document creation (agendas, by-laws, action plan etc.), the newsletter and website.

VICE PRESIDENT Assist the President in all duties (see above) and perform the functions of the President in his/her absence.

SECRETARY This position is responsible for keeping a permanent file of all NSCNA’s general and executive meetings. Maintains the email list for notification of members of meetings and other county events. Coordinates notice of meetings with newspapers. May also write thank you notes for contributors, speakers or other general communications.

TREASURER This position writes checks for authorized expenses and make deposits as directed by the NSCNA board. Document and update financial records, transactions, match revenues and costs for general and project specific accounts or line items, and track account/fund balances. Prepare and provide quarterly and annual financial reports. Report to the NSCNA board, membership, advisory committee, and independent auditing agencies as necessary. Important work but it’s not as difficult as it sounds – we have only had about 5 transactions in 2010.

DIRECTOR Directors represent a specific geographic area of the NSCNA so they can be familiar with issues that affect their district. These positions have a two year term with half the positions expiring each year. This being an even number year means Directors from districts 2, 4, and 6 (see district map at Salmon Creek Live!) terms will expire this year. Directors are the key liaison to their district and may become involved in zoning issues and coordination of newsletter delivery in their area.

We don’t pressure; but it does take some time; like school, these positions, to be successful, require more than just showing up. It is worth it when you see what a difference you can make in our community. PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING. Contact us at [email protected] or call an officer today (check the NSCNA Newsletter for officers’ phone numbers).

This post: “Are You Ready To Run?” was originally featured at Salmon Creek Live!

For more detailed neighborhood coverage of the People, Places, Activities and Events in Salmon Creek, please visit Salmon Creek Live!

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