Annual Nez Perce Chief Redheart Ceremony

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Members of the Nez Perce Indian Nation will present their traditional memorial ceremony from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 23 on the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (612 E. Reserve St.). The event is free to the public, although donations are welcome.

Join the Nez Perce Tribe in their annual memorial to remember Chief Redheart’s band, who were imprisoned during the Nez Perce War of 1877. As the U.S. Army was attempting to remove tribal members from ancestral lands, 33 members of Chief Redheart’s band were captured under the direction of General O.O. Howard. Even though the band neither fought in Indian Wars nor committed any crimes, they were held prisoner at Fort Vancouver through the winter of 1877-78.

Each year Nez Perce tribal members travel to important historical sites to pay tribute to tribal ideals and honor tribal ancestors. Activities include singing, speeches, a drum circle, and recognition of all U.S. military veterans. This event honors Chief Redheart’s band and is hosted by the Nez Perce Nation in cooperation with the City of Vancouver, The Historic Trust, the Community Military Appreciation Committee, and the National Park Service.

Attendees should bring blankets or lawn chairs; parking is available on East Fifth Street.

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