Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Fall Leaves Excursion

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“The Chelatchie Prairie Railroad will be operating Saturday & Sunday — October 12-13, 2013— with their Fall Leaves Special schedule.

With the changing color of the leaves and the crispness in the air, it promises to be an exciting event. The runs will be steam excursion trains, through a 330 foot solid rock tunnel, to the Heisson area and a stop at Moulton Station to visit Yacolt Falls.

The trains will depart each day at Noon and 2:30 PM from the train station in Yacolt, WA.  Please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure to allow sufficient time to pick up your tickets and board the train.

Tickets are the steam train are $18 for adults, $17 for 60+, $13 ages 5-11, $11 ages 2-4 and children under 2 are free. Check out our website at or call 360-686-3559 for additional information, reservations and directions.”

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