5 Restaurants 1 Reservation Culinary Adventure

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5restaurants1reservation 1 Enjoy a Culinary Adventure with 5 Restaurants 1 Reservation

Benefiting the Hough Foundation.

Enjoy a fabulous five course dinner presented by five premier Vancouver restaurants and five hand picked vintners at the “5 Restaurants, 1 Reservation” culinary adventure at the Vancouver Hilton on Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 5:00 pm to 10:30 pm.

Entertainment will include a silent auction, wine wheel, “Super Raffle” (two airline tickets to almost anywhere, with a maximum of 200 raffle tickets sold) and live musical performance by a former Hough student whose life has been forever enhanced by her participation in Hough Foundation after school enrichment programs.

Participating restaurants include Mint Tea, Tommy O’s, La Bottega, Lapellah and Gray’s at the Park. “Guests will enjoy a five course gourmet meal prepared by five premier local chefs, each course served with a perfectly paired wine. Chefs and vintners will be on hand to share their passion for fresh northwest fine food and wine.  Anchorman, Joe Donlon of KGW News Channel 8 will be the master of ceremonies.” ~Hough Foundation

WW Trailers Inc. is the presenting sponsor of 5 Restaurants, 1 Reservation; with proceeds benefiting the Hough Foundation. Tickets are available online through the Hough Foundation for $125.

This post: “Enjoy a Culinary Adventure with 5 Restaurants 1 Reservation” was originally featured at in the ‘Couve!

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