Welcome Back Teacher Breakfast

hey! sharing is caring :)

Hmm, are They Serving Green Eggs and Ham?

No, no Green Eggs and Ham for our teachers for breakfast (that is saved for our first graders later on in the year!)

The first day of school for Salmon Creek Elementary School students is Wednesday, September 8, 2010; but the first day back to school for Salmon Creek Elementary School teachers is Thursday, September 2, 2010.

The Salmon Creek PTA is planning a back to school breakfast for our wonderful teachers at 8 am. We’ll have some new teachers, as well as a new principal, to welcome back to school this year and are looking for some volunteers to help with food and drinks. The plan is to keep it simple for all involved: bagels, pastries, fruit, juice, etc. Can you help?

Please contact Christa Lawson ( [email protected]) for specifics, and thanks for helping make back to school fun for all! By the way, don’t forget about our Back to School Social on Tuesday, September 7 for students and parents!

This post: “Welcome Back Teacher Breakfast”
was originally featured at Salmon Creek Live!

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This post: “Welcome Back Teacher Breakfast”
was originally featured at Felida Live!
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hey! sharing is caring :)

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