WCGHS Welcomes Megan Collins as Director of Operations

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The West Columbia Gorge Humane Society is pleased to welcome Megan Collins as their new Director of Operations. Megan has over 10 years of experience in animal welfare and specializes in operations and programming. Megan comes to WCGHS from Savannah, Georgia where she helped raise the live release rate at the Humane Society of Greater Savannah from 21% to 99.8% over the course of three years.

Megan’s resume also includes the development of a low-cost spay/neuter clinic, established a balanced public programs budget, community outreach programs, and community dog training. She was also a volunteer consultant with Zero Target, whose goal is to aid communities to get to a zero unnecessary euthanasia state.

According to information provided by the WCGHS, “Collins has a proven track record in managing and motivating staff. She is consistent in developing and following best practices and protocols as well as developing programs to engage and educate community members. Megan is passionate about animal welfare, making her knowledge and dedication a great fit for her position.”

Megan grew up in North Carolina, but a visit to the Pacific Northwest in 2016 drew her to the area.

For more information about the WCGHS, visit West Columbia Gorge Humane Society website.

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