Wal Mart Helps Panthers

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Hazel Dell Elementary School Gets a “K”.

Hazel Dell Elementary School wishes to extend a special thank you to Hazel Dell WalMart for their generous support. WalMart is giving a $1000 cash donation to the school in the form of ten $100 gift cards. The gift cards will go to support each grade level, the Special Reading Program, the Special Education Program, the Library, and the Arts Block Program.

In addition, WalMart is inviting Hazel Dell families to the store on October 16 at 9:45 am for a 10 am presentation of 3000 General Mills box tops. There will be activities for children, prizes, and a celebration. General Mills and WalMart have formed a partnership and have selected Hazel Dell to receive this generous gift. The Box Tops turn into cash money which will be used by the PTA to support building activities including Enrichment Fair, Panther Nights, Field Trips, Classroom Projects and PTA movie nights.

Partnerships like this are greatly appreciated and continue to make Hazel Dell a great place for families.

This post: “Wal Mart Helps Panthers”
was originally featured at Hazel Dell Live!

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