Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair Returns for its 17th Year

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The Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair returns for its 17th year on September 12, 2020, showcasing local nonprofit agencies and churches, volunteers and activists, performers and just-plain-folks focused on making Clark County – and the whole world – a better place to live.

This year, of course, it’s an online stream: a two-hour pre-recorded video festival. As of 9:00 AM on September 12th, the video will be posted permanently at the Peace and Justice Fair’s new website to enjoy at your convenience. (The video includes a detailed schedule so you can move around inside it and find what you’re looking for.)

Get to know big-hearted local community groups that are working on important causes from hunger and homelessness to BIPOC rights and inclusion to climate change, animal welfare and so much more. If you’ve ever been interested in volunteering – or just exploring local networks of activists and do-gooders – this is the event for you.

Ever wanted some facetime with peace heroes like Pete Seeger, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Harriet Tubman? The popular Peace and Justice Hero Reenactors will be joining online too.

Enjoy musical entertainment and engage in their Virtual scavenger hunt, “We’ve brainstormed many peace-promoting activities you can do, from learning greetings in different languages to creating homeless-care kits. Complete 10 of the activities by the end of September to win a prize!”

For more information, visit the Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair online.

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