Salmon Creek Farmers Market Opens Season in New Location

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Are you ready for a fresh start? The Salmon Creek Farmers’ Market is a community-run market connecting local farm vendors, producers of wholesome food, and select artisans to the Salmon Creek community and its neighbors.

Opening day for the market will be Tuesday, June 8, 2021, at Kaiser Permanente Salmon Creek Parking Lot (14406 NE 20th Ave), from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Salmon Creek Farmers Market will be open every Tuesday from June 8 to October 5, 2021.

The market accepts debit, credit, FMNP checks, and EBT. They offer SNAP Market Match as well to EBT customers. Beginning this year, SNAP Market Match matches up to $40 of an EBT transaction. Market Match can be used for produce, including edible plants, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, herbs. You can find all that information at the Information Booth.

The Salmon Creek Farmers market is also continuing its Reward Cards this year…..after 10 visits (10 punches on your Rewards Card), you’ll earn 2 $5 tokens to use at the market for anything you want.

For more information, visit the Salmon Creek Farmers Market online.

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