PRO NET Business-to-Business Workshop

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PRO NET, a leading networking group of business and industry professionals in Vancouver, will be hosting a free business-to-business workshop on Tuesday, August 9 held at the Legacy Hospital in Salmon Creek, located at 2211 NE 139th Street.

The workshop will be from 7:30am to 8:30am in the third-floor conference room C and D, and will include opportunities to expand your professional relationships in the Vancouver area, as well as a presentation from special guest speaker and prominent Vancouver business leader Alex McMillan, the CEO and founder of Optimal Living 365.

The event is free, and a complementary breakfast will be provided to the participants. For more information, visit

PRO NET is an elite group of professionals who are committed to the highest levels of service and professional integrity. Dedicated to supporting this alliance, PRO NET provides a unique environment for building and enhancing personal growth through the exchange of business contacts, ideas, and methods.

This post: PRO NET Business-to-Business Workshop was originally featured on Salmon Creek Live!

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