It’s the Perfect Time of Year for a Chili Cook-Off

hey! sharing is caring :)

If you are in the mood for some great chili…then Filbin’s Ace Hardware (809 NE Minnehaha) is the place to be on September 9th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

They will be hosting the Annual Chili Cook-Off benefiting Cascadia Technical Academy Foundation (Formerly known as Clark County Skills Center).

The competition is on between local restaurants and students from the culinary program at Cascadia Tech Academy.

Get the full experience (and of course help out the foundation) and get in on the “Tasting Kit” for $25.00. You get a commemorative soup mug, spoon, chili ticket, cornbread ticket and 2 beverage tickets.

Don’t forget to cast your vote. “Best of Show” will be determined by a count of redeemed tickets from each competitor.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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