PeaceHealth Teen Heart Screening

hey! sharing is caring :)

PeaceHealth SW and the Quinn Driscoll Foundation will be holding their annual Free Teen Heart Screening Event on February 24th, 2018 at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, in the Firstenburg Tower at 400 Mother Joseph Place, Vancouver, WA.

Even teens who seem perfectly healthy may have hidden heart problems. Though the percentage is small, kids with undetected heart defects are at risk of sudden cardiac arrest — especially if they are athletes.

Young Champions Student Athlete Heart Screenings use cardiac ultrasounds and EKG tests to spot a serious heart condition in active teens.

Any middle or high school athlete, band member or cheerleader from 12-18 years old is eligible for a “Young Champions” screening. Although designed for the student athlete, this screening also accommodates all children in the age group who may be at risk.

This special Saturday event is free, with a suggested $25 donation and pre-registration is required.

For more information, including registration, visit PeaceHealth Teen Heart Screening online or call 360-514-7755.

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