Officers Row and Barracks Walking Tour

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On Thursday, August 24th (10:00 am and 2:00 pm), come out for the Officers Row / Barracks Walking Tour and learn a bit more about the homes that have lined the Historic Reserve for over a century.

These late 19th and early 20th century buildings served as residential housing for many soldiers, officers, and families stationed at Vancouver Barracks.

Of particular note, the old U.S. Army Reserve buildings in the West Barracks have been renovated into beautiful residential and commercial mixed-use properties that feature unique historical touches in the Artillery Barracks, Red Cross Building, Dental Surgeon Building, Infantry Barracks and Spruce Division Records Storehouse.

The guided tour will be led by  Richard W. Burrows, Director of Community Outreach and Programs.

Please check in at 750 Anderson Street about 15 minutes before.

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