It’s a Grand Illusion at Columbia River High School

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A Collision of MASH Meets Magic.

William Scott Anderson will be performing two Grand Illusion Shows at Columbia River High School (800 NW 99th St) on Saturday, October 23; a 2 pm show and a 7 pm show. William Scott Anderson is one of the highest rated award winning entertainers on the West Coast and was featured on Season 5 of “America’s Got Talent”. He combines the Art of Magic, with the Theater of Illusion, and then adds his unique Sense of Humor along with stories from his life traveling the world as a U.S. soldier to create an astonishing performance everywhere he goes. His show has been described as “A Collision of M.A.S.H. meets MAGIC!”

The ticket prices are $10 dollars each, with 50% of all ticket sales donated to the Columbia River High School Associated Student Body. Due to limited seating, tickets should be purchased in advance. Tickets can be purchased in the Columbia River business office from 7:00-3:00 Monday through Thursday or from 7:00-2:15 on Fridays. More information is available on the Columbia River High School web site.

This post: “It’s a Grand Illusion at Columbia River High School” was originally featured at Hazel Dell Live!

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