Inside Alki

hey! sharing is caring :)

Salmon Creek Parents Go Back to Middle School.

alkibannerIf you have a child attending Alki Middle School, mark your calendar for Wednesday October 21, 2009 for the annual, ever popular “Inside Alki”.  This is a day where parents are invited to attend classes with their child and experience Middle School all over again!  :-)

Seriously though, Inside Alki is a great way to see first hand the great teaching that goes on at Alki, and gain a better understanding of your child’s day at school.  Parents are invited to come for all, or part of, the day (and it’s a two hour early release day!) and have the opportunity to give a written “Way to Go” to the teachers there.

And remember, Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up October 22nd and 23rd.  Coincidence?

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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