Getting Ready for Kindergarten at Salmon Creek Elementary

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Salmon Creek Elementary Preschool Family Night.

Is your child ready for kindergarten? Come learn about Kindergarten Readiness Skills at Salmon Creek Elementary on February 24, 2011 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.

Kids ages 3-5 are invited to Salmon Creek School, with their parents  , to enjoy activities you and your child can do together to help prepare him/her for Kindergarten. There will even be fun handouts to take home. Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors who also have preschool children who might be attending school at Salmon Creek in the future.

Early childhood education is an essential foundation for readiness and success in school. Parents and other family members can support their preschoolers by working with them at home.

Monthly family packets, available from the Vancouver School District website, are full of fun, hands-on activities for math, science and art. They include:  a calendar of activities to build skills in math, language, science, fine motor, problem solving, social studies, safety, and cooking; a journal for drawing pictures and writing letters and numbers; a book that children can cut out, color and assemble; and suggestions of books to read with your child.

This post: “Getting Ready for Kindergarten at Salmon Creek Elementary” was originally featured at Salmon Creek Live! For more detailed neighborhood coverage of the People, Places, Activities and Events in your Salmon Creek neighborhood, please visit Salmon Creek Live!

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