Fort Vancouver Tales of the Engage

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The Tales of the Engagé, a campfire program of stories and tall tales, gives visitors an opportunity to hear of the colorful life of the Engagés, the Canadian “engaged” or contract workers of the Hudson’s Bay Company.

Representing a sizeable part of the work force of this British fur company, these men (and women) were trappers, blacksmiths, carpenters, herders, dairymen, and laborers. Their lives of adventure and hardship so different from the clerks and gentlemen, created a rich story-telling tradition.

Staff, who portray the Engagés, will share their adventurous tales and harrowing stories of fur trade survival. An evening of storytelling by the campfire brings the past to life in our modern day metropolitan area.

WHERE: Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, 1001 E. 5th Street, Vancouver, WA, Just outside the reconstructed stockade walls

WHEN: Saturday, October 26th, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

COST: Free

INFO: Call the Fort Vancouver Visitor Center at 360-816-6230.

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